Sunday, October 20, 2013


What are we going to do when the fuel runs out?

Goodstein, author of the book "Out of Gas: The End of the Age of Oil" stated "The oil will run out, the only question is exactly when," but continues, "Civilization as we know it will come to an end sometime this century, when the fuel runs out". So we probably have a lot less than 90 years.

When do we panic then?

According to Stanford University geophysicist Amos Nur. "The point of panic has already taken place. There is a huge conflict that might already be emerging"

So what exactly are we going to do?

The UK government is contemplating the building a wind farms, that's really going to help. To power 25 million homes you'll need 7,000 working turbines, that's one for every half a mile of coastline and we're not talking about powering our industry and transport. The Vice President of the Royal Academy of Engineering, Dr Sue Ion, said that wind power could only provide about 20% of the country's electricity to preserve grid stability.

"Laudable though the targets are, we urge government to think about the practicalities of deploying these technologies; the engineering effort to build 7,000 large offshore turbines by 2020 would be enormous, unprecedented and is probably underestimated," she said.

To achieve the governments target it has to build 14 turbines a week for the next ten years and they're still just talking about it.

No one has explained what they are going to do when there's no wind!

OK, so we'll go nuclear.

Building one new nuclear power station takes decades and one will not be enough and anyway from where are we going to get the Uranium to make it work. Uranium is not exactly going to be readily available or cheap once the oil starts to run out. Oh! by the way, Russia is the largest exporter of Uranium followed possibly by Australia and the USA. To top it all there's only about enough for the next 100 years anyway, it's not exactly a common element.

So what are we really going to do?

Nothing, as usual, Goodstein says "Governments do not have the political will to prepare for the end of oil."

When has our government planned for the future? We are World leaders in wind turbine technology but are we seriously using it? No! As a result of the credit crunch President Obama has announced a huge investment in alternative energy sources in the US so we won't be the world leaders for much longer. But don't I remember we were once World leaders in nuclear energy too!

It's amazing how the Bank of England can find £75,000,000,000 for just one of their efforts to pump up the economy, but why don't they spend it on something actually useful?

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Desperate need to be competitive

The British Government is sitting with it finger up its bum wasting time by rearranging irrelevant legislation and not dealing with the train wreck that we call the economy.

It does not require a degree in Keynesian economics to understand what is wrong and what needs to be done. It is simple, we are uncompetitive in the global marketplace!

Why, is easy to understaand too! The ridiculous cost of housing, it is the only economic factor we can control as everything else we require is transacted globally. The bills for food, fuel and all the other commodities are largely the same for everyone but the cost of housing in the UK is astronomical and way above the rest of the world. So the only way to make us competitive is to reduce the cost of housing.

Why then don't the politicians listen to the IMF and all the other international advisors and stimulate the economy by instigating a vast home building programme? That is easy to understand too, they, those in power, are largely the landlords and if they do what they should the value of their property portfolios will fall and so will the income they get from rents and mortgages. But that is exactly waht should happen.

Once again it is pure greed and vested interest ia a minority stuffing up the rest of the county. One day, I hope, the majority will stand up and kick them where it really hurts.