Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I would be the first in the queue to protect our right to protest as I am doing it right now!

But I wonder if Celtic Supporters would get permission to protest at the same place and at the same time as Rangers Supporters?


Would the pro-nuclear lobby be able to protest in Parliament Square at the same time as the anti-nuclear lobby?

Highly unlikely, no, just plain NO!

What am I going on about? - Luton!

Yesterday are heroic soldiers of the Anglian Regiment exercised their right to parade through the town of Luton behind their colours and a fine sight they were too. But how on Earth did a handful of fanatics get permission to demonstrate in the same place at the same time when as I have pointed out above no one else would?

OK, they can protest BUT NOT AT THE SAME TIME. Let's have some fairness in the mad world of political correctness and can our authorities apply the same rules to everyone. Equal rights for all, so why were the rights of the Anglian Regiment pushed aside by a small group of fanatics?

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