Friday, December 23, 2011

Card Charges

The years go by and still the government does not act against totally unfair credit and debit card charges. It is going to take another year whilst they "consult"! Consult who? If they consult the public they will not find one person who agrees with the charges so once again they, the government, are going to do what commerce wants and not what the people want.

I don't have a problem with credit card charges BUT they should be built in to the advertised price of the goods or services and NOT added on at the end of a transaction. That way we can determine who is offering the best deal and vote with our wallet or purse.

With regard to Debit Card charges they should not be allowed at all especially if the government has any intention of getting rid of cheques or perhaps even cash at some point in the future. Why on earth should be have to pay, what we were told when Debit Cards were issued, was electronic cash!

Oh, yes! I bet all that happens anyway is that the companies who charge us for giving them money just change the name of what they are doing to something like "Booking Fee" or some other title that allows them to get around not calling it a "Credit Card Charge" and once again escape the new legislation when ever it arrives - if ever.

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