Saturday, December 24, 2011

We've been framed!

I have just been watching a re-run of a Christmas episode of 'You've been framed' on the Telly and had a few mild chuckles at some unfortunate folks suffering from collapsing dining tables, collapsing chairs, Christmas trees that fall over at the slightest touch, crap that comes out of crackers and the inevitable junk present that some distant aunt, uncle or cousin bought. And then it struck me!

The stuff that we get sold is mostly low quality rubbish, a collapsing dining table isn't funny it's pathetic, so are chairs that can't take the weight of an average adult. A Christmas tree that falls over when you put decorations on it is as much use as a chocolate teapot. Why do we put up with this junk. No wonder the British economy is going down the drain all we make or sell is crap.

There are laws that state that an object has to be fit for the purpose for which it is sold, so if your table or chair collapses, or your Christmas tree won't stand up, once you've sent the DVD to 'You've been framed' for your £250 ring the Trading Standards Service and get them to get the rest of your money back too.


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